The noble taste of tradition
Caseificio Reale Racconigi

At Racconigi Castle the Margaria (a Piedmontese word meaning "dairy") was a truly avant-garde farming business, a favourite project of King Carlo Alberto of Savoy after he came to the throne. It acted as the hub for all the farming activities that took place in the fields and woods surrounding the castle.
Over time it became a centre for experimental studies in farming, botany and animal husbandry. Here the head dairyman or margaro oversaw the entire herd and was responsible for coordinating all aspects of their care, from the upkeep of the cattle sheds to feeding and milking.

Some of the milk was sent to the royal cheese maker who "produced gruviere" as well as butter and other cheeses. A special building was prepared for the purpose, known as the "Casino del Cacio" or cheese house, just behind the main building. This was where the best cheeses of the kingdom were made, reserved for the enjoyment of the king and his guests.
This is the tradition to which we refer every day in our attempts to recreate, using the same techniques and using the same premises, the flavours deemed worthy of a king.